DONDA BEAR Update 6: Final Touches


Factory Finish

Hi everyone! We're now at Update 6. Thanks for sticking with us this far, and I hope you're finding these updates valuable. Today's update focuses on the factory's final stretch in getting the prototype over the finish line, so let's get right to it.

Finally, we’re excited to present our K/BEAR:DND or DONDA BEAR prototype—though with a slight caveat. The Bear's eye print details had some issues with sizing, color, and positioning, so we immediately began working on fixing that. Additionally, we experimented with a few test accessories: a redesigned foam runner with actual grip and a pair of black sunglasses. While both were interesting concepts, we ultimately felt they didn’t add enough value to the DONDA theme to justify the increased cost overall. Besides, since we already offer loose Onyx Foam Runners on our site for those who are interested, adding them felt redundant.


On the other hand, the magnetic cap worked like a charm, attaching itself perfectly in the right position. Even though this feature started as a TLOP figure test, it felt like a necessary addition and enhanced the prototype's overall look. As mentioned before, the design is a hybrid of the 'Legendary 6ix' cap and the Yeezy Gap flame cap, featuring our new 'B' logo.

The eye details were also updated, resized, and correctly positioned to match our specifications, completing all the necessary changes.


Now finally,(for the 2nd time) we’re excited to present our K/BEAR:DND or DONDA BEAR prototype! You can see the overall improvement of both eye sets. Also the eyes were set better, so they no longer have the same bulging look as seen in the side-view images above.

For the next update, we'll be sharing in-hand images with close-ups of the details, so stay tuned!