DONDA BEAR Update 4: The Factory's 1st Try


Prototyping the DONDA BEAR

Hey everyone! We hope you enjoyed our last update. Today, we’re thrilled to bring you Update 4. This time, we’re diving into the prototype testing phase. We’ll share insights on the design challenges and adjustments. Join us as we take you through these developments and refinements.


Finally, it's time for the prototype. We sent the 3D model to the factory, where it was broken into 'sections'. Some alterations were made to make it figure-ready, particularly with the eyes and boots. We designed the eyes with our shoe pegs, but the factory modified this in their first rendition of the prototype.



This is the first video we got back for the prototype and it helped us spot any problems early on. At this point, the figure couldn't stay upright with the boots on. We suspected a weight distribution issue (because the figure leaned quite forward), so we planned to add weight to balance it out. The 2nd version fared much better, we tested the cap, some new foam runners (with sole grip) and glasses. The foams were a potential add-on and the glasses were a test for a potential 808s and Heartbreaks figure later down the line, but we couldn't get the glasses right without altering the head (specifically, the wedge cut-outs in the side of the head) so we paused that feature.



We originally wanted removable eyes with a clear, glassy look for a more lifelike effect. This complicated the design and the factory couldn't really recreate our vision, so we opted for solid-colour eyes. They also sent a video testing the fit of the various parts and pieces to show how the figure would come together. This video turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we hadn't realised that the back of the eye cavity had been closed up in the 3D render above (see the 1st picture), which meant there was no way to pop the eyes out from the inside, making it almost impossible to switch out them without a tool or making them incredibly loose.



The final step was testing the figure's fit with the other shoes we had made. The 350s fit fine, but the OG foams were a bit tight. This was expected, as the material used for the prototype was more rigid and brittle.